The members of the Foundation's Board of Advisors offer advice and counsel to the Foundation. As their CV and other life experiences substantiate (some only modestly and briefly mentioned below), each is a unique resource to assist in setting the Foundation's mission, vision and operations and to provide the Board of Trustees data to help in Foundation governance.
All subjects of academic, research, and publication interest and Foundation strategy and operations are open to the Advisors' questions and recommendations.
At times, the Foundation will ask for an opinion or suggestion on a matter of Foundation work or future activity.
At other times, individual Advisors will send unsolicited comments to give direction or raise issues that perhaps had not yet hit the Foundation's radar screen.
The success of the Foundation has been founded on sage and helpful advice; that guidance now comes additionally from the Board of Advisors:
Asher Ben Artzi | CEO, International Police & Security Consultants; Former Head of Interpol, Israel; Chief Superintendent (Ret.) Israel Police |
Lamar Barden | CEO, Peachtree Planning Corporation |
Lee Biondi | Manuscript Appraiser |
Casey Elledge | Co-convener of the ASOR DSS Seminar, Sub-editor of the Princeton DSS Project, Professor at Gustavus Adolphus College |
Valerie Hemingway | Distinguished Lecturer and Author |
Marvin Henk | Pastor and Leader of Pilgrim Tours to the Middle East; Stamford, Conn. |
Loren Johns | Associate Editor, Princeton Dead Sea Scrolls Project |
Hermann Lichtenberger | Professor Emeritus, Tuebingen University |
George A. Makrauer | CEO, Comad Group; archaeology traveler and student: Admin. Asst. to President FJCO |
Geoffrey Michael | Senior VP, Merrill Lynch |
Bill Nienhuis | Director, Logos Bible Software |
Lidija Novakovic | Contributor, Princeton Dead Sea Scrolls Project |
Henry Rietz | Associate Editor, Princeton Dead Sea Scrolls Project |
Linda Wall | Philanthropist, Archaeology Traveler and Student, Independent Business Professional |
* | Advisors listed alphabetically by last name. |