The Foundation on Judaism and Christian Origins originated in 1975 to support the publication of the first complete edition of the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha. Two volumes were published in 1983 and 1985 and contain translations of many "Scriptures" not canonized as the "Old Testament." These documents were judged ancient (and not later), since copies of some of them were recovered from the Qumran Caves which preserved the Dead Sea Scrolls.

After the publication of this corpus, the Princeton Dead Sea Scrolls Project was launched in 1985 to make available critical texts, translations, and introductions of all the scrolls that are not simply a copy of the Bible. This massive Project which brings together over 50 Jewish and Christian scholars is approximately 85% completed. Finalizing this Project and presenting a one-volume English edition of all the Dead Sea Scrolls is the focal point of the Foundation.

The Foundation is exceptional for the success it has enjoyed with international symposia featuring luminaries who are Jews and Christians (and some who feel comfortable with either category). These symposia have been held in Jerusalem, Princeton, St. Petersburg (Russia), Prague, and Boca Raton, Florida.

ELITE, UNIQUE TOURS "If you have not visited the Holy Land with Dr. Charlesworth, you have not lived, learned and loved it as possible only on his unique tours." (Compliment from past Charlesworth tour participant) Click this link to see what other 2012 Charlesworth tour participants said.


The book of Isaiah and its reception exceptionally shaped Jewish thought from the eighth century BCE to the end of the first century CE. Studying the origin, editing, and reception of the book of Isaiah reveal an astounding continuity from before the Babylonian Exile to the Roman defeat of Bar Kokhba. The key word is "exceptionally." Was Isaiah exceptionally important for Qumran, the Baptizer, Jesus, and John? This unique conference is... Click for details...

In his forthcoming newest book, THE GENIUS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, Perspicacious Traditions in the "Gospel of John," decades of research and analyses by Professor James H. Charlesworth are about to establish that numerous traditional and accepted ways of thinking about the so-called "Fourth Gospel" must be considered afresh in light of literary studies of "John," archaeology, and scientific explorations.

Professor Charlesworth argues that Jesus is the genius behind the New Testament and the focus of the Evangelists. Who then is the Genius in the New Testament?

Where among the Disciples does John sit and stand? How is he prioritized; is he "the beloved disciple"?

To what extent and how overtly and then subtly do the Dead Sea Scrolls affect the written words in "John"?

When John's subtleties rely on symbology, how should the symbols be interpreted? Just two of the five symbolic issues in John are almost enough for a lifetime of study: the Symbolism of the Serpent in John, and the question, is it truly conceivable that Jesus married Mary Magdalene? (If that thought of others makes you fume, read before you thunder.)

Published by Eerdmans, THE GENIUS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, Perspicacious Traditions in the "Gospel of John," is planned for release in early 2017. We will post a notice when it's available and are certain you will find it exciting, challenging and enlightening.

Charlesworth (President of the Foundation), 
Demetris Syllouris (President of the House of Representatives, Republic of Cyprus)
Asher Ben Artzi (Head of Interpol, emeritus)
In the King David Hotel, Jerusalem
Planning the 2018 Cyprus Congress
Jan 2017
Palm Beach Hotel in Larnaca
June 2018

Second Temple-Era Synagogue Unearthed in Northern Israel

The Princeton-Prague Symposium on the Historical Jesus reconvened on March 16th to the 19th at Princeton Theological Seminary. The topic for the four day Symposium was “Illustrating How to Use the Gospel of John in Jesus Research” with lectures ranging from the field of archaeology to literary approaches

The Princeton-Prague Symposium on the Historical Jesus reconvened on March 16th to the 19th at Princeton Theological Seminary. The topic for the four day Symposium was “Illustrating How to Use the Gospel of John in Jesus Research” with lectures ranging from the field of archaeology to literary approaches, all in an effort to search for historical features in the oft-neglected fourth Gospel in the study of the historical Jesus.

Below is listed each speaker along with their paper topic in chronological order:

Paul Anderson: “Why John is Fundamental in Jesus Research”

Alan Culpepper: “The Chronology and Sequence of Events in John’s Account of Jesus’ Ministry”

Harry Attridge: “Methodology for Finding Historical Knowledge in the Gospel of John?”

Shimon Gibson (read by John Hoffman): “Archaeology, Architecture, and Pre-70 Jerusalem Described in John”

James H. Charlesworth: “Two Jerusalem Pools (Mikvaot) and John’s Jesus”

George Parsenios: “How and in What Ways Does John’s Rhetoric Reflect Jesus’ Rhetoric?”

Petr Pokorný: “The Kingdom of God for the Historical Jesus and in John”

Jan Roskovec: “John’s Portrait of Jesus Within Judaism”

Craig S. Keener: “The Baptizer: Jesus’ Teacher According to John”

Urban C. von Wahlde: “Judaism, the Historical Jesus, the “Signs Source,” and the Gospel of John”

Michael A. Daise: “Jesus and the Historical Implications of John’s Temple Cleansing”

The consensus of the congress was the following:

1. Scholars devoted to reconstruction the life of Jesus must no longer ignore John as so many have over the past 50 years.

2. Passages in John have a strong a case to be historically reliable as any in the Synoptics (Mt, Mk, Lk).

3. The Gospel of John is a very Jewish composition.

Congress on Judaism and Christian Origins
in Moscow, Russia, 2-4 June 2016

Alexey Samov (Russian scholar), Lea Berkuz, and Professor Charlesworth, during a congress on Judaism and Christian Origins in Moscow in June 2016.

Alexey Samov (Russian scholar), Lea Berkuz, and Professor Charlesworth, answer questions during the international symposium in Moscow.

The three-day event was focused on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Second Temple Judaism, Jesus, Paul, and Christian Origins.

Scholars from many cities -- notably Rome, St Petersburg, Moscow, Warsaw, Berlin, and Princeton -- presented invited lectures.

Charlesworth's lectures will be translated into Russian to inform scholars in eastern Europe about the exciting developments in this field of research.

The international symposium was sponsored by the Institute for Bible Translation and St Thomas Catholic Institute, both in Moscow.

Comments of Alexey Samov about Conference
and from other attendees:

In an email to Dr. Charlesworth dated 4 June 2016, Alexey Samov wrote, "It was so much pleasure to have you here in Moscow... Your lectures were excellent. I have received very positive feedback from many people who were there.

Many questions, many new thoughts about things that seemed to be simple before.

All this is very important for Russian audience, students, and scholarship. I am glad some famous Russian Biblical scholars were with us these days, especially Michael Seleznev, who is, I think, one of the best Russian specialists in the Hebrew Bible and the LXX ..., and Eugenia Smagina, who is a researcher of Gnosticism, Coptic and Syriac literature...

You are wonderful, Let's keep in touch, Alexey."

(Comments of George Makrauer, Administrative Assistant to Dr. Charlesworth. "I visited the Soviet Union in 1973. I had to keep the fact I was Jewish a "secret." So did my father-in-law, who secretly brought with him a collection of materials to give to a young couple living in Moscow, who had applied to emigrate to Israel. The husband an engineer, the wife a school teacher. Upon applying, both were fired from their job. The materials my father-in-law brought were given to him by a U.S. group that funneled materials to "Soviet" Jews to teach them Hebrew, how to live in Israel, find a job and other introductory materials. Our clandestine encounter, hand signals to identify each other, following them to a subway station and onto the correct train, them at a discreet distance walking to their "apartment" and more all made an indelible memory. THEN, to read Dr. Charlesworth's reports of the "congress on Judaism and Christian Origins in Moscow, Russia" -- publicized openly and held publicly -- was a jolt to the bitter past with a deep hope for a much better future."


Dr. Charlesworth and Lea at Petrodvorets about 12 miles outside St. Petersburg, Russia

Dr. Charlesworth and Lea at Petrodvorets
about 12 miles outside St. Petersburg, Russia.

Dr. Charlesworth and actor Robert Powell* being filmed for the Smithsonian Channel production “Jesus,” here on Lake Kinnereth, alternatively the Sea of Galilee. Later, on the Mt of Beatitudes, Charlesworth answered Powell’s question about attitude and explained in Aramaic the incipient is “Happy is...” and that Jesus promises happiness to all in the Kingdom of God.

Dr. Charlesworth and famous actor Robert Powell* being filmed for the Smithsonian Channel production “Jesus,” here on Lake Kinnereth, alternatively the Sea of Galilee.  Later, on the Mt of Beatitudes, Charlesworth answered Powell’s question about attitude and explained in Aramaic the incipient is “Happy is...” and that Jesus promises happiness to all in the Kingdom of God.

* Robert Powell is an English television and film actor, best known for the title role in Jesus of Nazareth (1977). He has close to 150 screen and radio credits. His distinctive voice has become well known in advertisements and documentaries, especially in World War II documentaries including World War II in HD Colour, Hitler's Bodyguard, The Story of the Third Reich and Secrets of World War II. He then played Jesus Christ in Jesus of Nazareth (1977). See for complete filmography and other appearances.


Dr. Lamar Barden, FJCO Foundation treasurer, introduces the annual member meeting and dinner, followed by Dr. Charlesworth's lecture presentation, November 19, 2015, held at the Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Georgia

FJCO Foundation dinner annual member meeting, November 19, 2015, at the Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Georgia

Linda Wall, long-time FJCO supporter, archaeology traveler, student and Foundation Advisor receives a gift of appreciation and honor in recognition of her many contributions to the work of the Foundation.  Dr. Charlesworth and Lea presenting.

Dr. Charlesworth public lecture, "Dead Sea Scrolls and Common Origins," presented November 19, 2015, at the Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Georgia

Dr . Barden, Ms. Berkuz, Professor Stuckenbruck at PTSEM Reception Professor Loren Stuckenbruck

Professor James Charlesworth, president, and Dr. Lamar Barden, treasurer, Foundation on Judaism and Christian Origins

Biblical archaeology, research, academic and general audience presentations, announcements of new finds in history and archaeological, new publications and differences of opinion find their collective day in the sun each year in November, when academic and theological organizations hold their individual annual meeting over a span of days allowing attendance at many different sessions.

This year it was Atlanta, the week of November 15. Many of the speakers await this annual conclave of academe to release major announcements of new discoveries that are fresh to the field or compel revisions of interpretation of earlier study.

Here are most of the organizations meeting in Atlanta, November 2015:

  • Biblical Archaeology Society 18th Annual Bible and Archaeology Fest
  • Foundation on Judaism and Christian Origins
  • American Schools of Oriental Research
  • Society of Biblical Literature
  • The American Academy of Religion
  • Westar Institute (Taking the Scholarship of Religion Public)
  • Evangelical Theological Society
  • Institute of Biblical Research
  • Georgia Baptist Convention
  • International Qur'anic Studies Association
  • Near East Archaeological Society
  • The North American Association for the Study of Religion

The papers presented at the open sessions are usually made available in print or DVD.

If interested, check each organization’s website for subject and availability.

Dr. Charlesworth spoke at a number of different organization sessions. The subject of his presentation at the Biblical Archaeology Society program was, “Where did Jesus meet Mary Magdalene? New Archaeological Discoveries.”

GOT MIGDAL? BEEN THERE? Dr. Charlesworth's tours include a special tour in Migdal and on-site presentation by the director of the synagogue excavation... one of the surprising finds in Galilee.

Some of the Content Mystery and Imaging Magic
behind bringing the Dead Sea Scrolls
"Out of the Caves and Into the Light"

Dead Sea Scrolls - The Temple Scroll - Columns 16 and 17
How to find the consonants missing from the eroded top:

The dashed-line square in the left image above is where more than 20 Hebrew consonants now appear, thanks to Xerox and RIT scientists. Those formerly missing consonants were transferred from Column 16,
where the area is marked by a bold solid square.

Dead Sea Scrolls - The Temple Scroll - Columns 16 and 17
Second-to-final image in the process of bringing light into the caves and enlightenment out of the Scrolls.

Click this link for a high-resolution enlargement.

Dead Sea Scrolls - The Temple Scroll - Columns 16 and 17
Two of the keys to unlocking the Scrolls, with expressions of joy in the work, the results, and getting closer to the conclusion.

How to Get the Most Enjoyment and Scholarship from the Foundation

Dr. Charlesworth, hands-up and hands-on, sharing aspects of an historic world not previously known to the groupEveryone who has accompanied Dr. Charlesworth anywhere in the Holy Land says the same thing -- "I've never learned more or enjoyed more on a visit to Israel than on my trip with Dr. Charlesworth."

Ministers and rabbis have said, "My previous 'pilgrimage' tours never revealed as much of the history and archaeology insights as did Dr. C."

Recent times have dissuaded many people from traveling to the Holy Land. Other travelers have chosen to visit Israel under the shelter of that country's historic standards of safety... during international travel to and from and while touring throughout the land. Travelers return to the U.S and relate stories of surprise at the Israeli safety, military and policing professionals they see everywhere as both deterrents and protectors against violence.

Ironically, those same travelers say nothing about the large numbers of undercover security personnel present everywhere, because those travelers don't notice those security professionals.

Check back at this page from time to time for new tours planned as people demand and circumstances allow.

Click here to learn more...

Produced/Guided by Samson - Led by Charlesworth
Samson Tours - "Nobody does a tour like Samson" - to the Holy Land and eveywhere else

"Qumran Revisited: A Reassessment of the Archaeology of the Site and Its Texts" -
Book Review by James H. Charlesworth

The 18-page review by James H. Charlesworth
is available for free download

at the following URL:

AUTHOR: David Stacey, Gregory Doudna

PUBLISHER: Archaeopress (2013)

To purchase the book at Amazon, click this link.

Academy for Temple Studies Conference
Hosted by BYU Studies, March 30, 2015

Featuring eminent biblical scholars speaking on the devotion and worship in the Second Temple at the time of Christ, the Second Temple at Passover, the Psalms as temple hymns and more. Click here to see more.

Professor Miroslaw Stanislaw Wróbel of Lublin, Poland, and Professor James Charlesworth

Professor Miroslaw Stanislaw Wróbel of Lublin, Poland, Editor of new Polish edition of Aramaic Bible (Biblia Aramejska), in Jerusalem handing first volume, Targum Neofiti 1, to Professor James CharlesworthProfessor Miroslaw Stanislaw Wróbel of Lublin, Poland, the Editor of the new Polish edition of the Aramaic Bible (Biblia Aramejska), in Jerusalem handing the first volume, Targum Neofiti 1, to Professor James Charlesworth, a member of the editorial committee (Komitet Naukowy Biblii Aramejskiej - “Scientific Committee of the Aramaic Bible”). March 2014, Jerusalem - After publication, Professor Wrobel promoted distribution of the Aramaic Bible in Poland, and began in Jesziwa Synagogue (Lublin) with the Chief Rabbi of Poland (on 8 May); following day, 9 May at Catholic University with Archbishop and University President Lublin. As explained next in Dr. Charlesworth's comments, this is a universally usable, inter-religion Bible for study of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament translated from Aramaic in one volume.

Dr. Charlesworth with Iskando Kando, original recipient of the Dead Sea Scrolls DiscoveryCharlesworth with Iskando Kando, the Christian Arab who  delivered the Dead Sea Scrolls from their discoverers to scholars and the modern world. (photo 1990s in Jerusalem)

Charlesworth with Iskando Kando, the Christian Arab who delivered the Dead Sea Scrolls from their discoverers to scholars and the modern world. (photo 1990s in Jerusalem) Click here for enlarged image and info

SWebsigte website brings together for the first time the entirety of the manuscript tradition including diverse ancient (Qumran, Masada) and medieval (Cairo, Genizah) manuscripts of the book of Ben Sira in a convenient user-friendly format.

From Dr. Charlesworth: "Gary Rendsburg is a leading specialist on the Hebrew Bible and the world of ancient Israel, a contributor to the Foundation's JESUS AND THE TEMPLE symposium, and a member of the Princeton Dead Sea Scrolls Project. He is...(click to learn more)

Ancient Jewish Apocalyptic Eschatology and Modern Apocalyptic Songs

"Words make you think thoughts.
Music makes you feel a feeling.
But a song makes you feel thoughts.”
(Attributed to E.Y. Harburg)

Somewhere over the rainbow 
Bluebirds fly. 
Birds fly over the rainbow. 
Why then, oh why can't I? Two songs have shaped the modern era in ways reminiscent of apocalyptic hopes. They form out of the human desire for a better place, a better time, as the Depression, the War, and the Shoah, as well as the Cold War cast a pall over Western Culture.

The early Jews, not only those who composed the Books of Enoch, the Testaments of the 12 Patriarchs, 4 Ezra, 2 Baruch, and the History of the Rechabites (each is translated in the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha), dreamed of a place where there are no enemies, no conquering armies, and no cold or icy earth. Food with drink is abundant beneath a warming sun.

First, the song “When You Wish Upon a Star” was written...(CLICK FOR DETAILS)

Enoch Congress, 2013 -- Charlesworth presented lecutures; this photo taken in a room made famous by Lorenzo de' Medici in the eleventh-century in the Camaldoli Monastery. Enoch Congress, 2013 -- Charlesworth presented lectures; this photo taken in a room made famous by Lorenzo de' Medici in the eleventh-century in the Camaldoli Monastery.

On his return to Israel from the Congress, he posted these reflections:

"I am back in Israel (editing the Hodayot for the Princeton Project) and thinking about the Enoch Congress that was held in the high mountains between Rome and Florence. I am pleased I helped. . . (CLICK FOR CHARLESWORTH'S COMMENTS, BACKGROUND ON THE CONGRESS, AND THE 1,000-YEAR OLD CAMALDOLI MONASTERY COMPLEX.)



Map of location of Monastero di Camaldoli, Italy, venue of many Enoch Congress meetings.


See footer below for contact information,
if you have any questions or requests.

James H. Charlesworth, Ph.D.
FJCO President and Chairman

Princeton Dead Sea Scrolls Project
George L. Collord Professor of
New Testament Language and Literature
64 Mercer St Box 821 PTS
Princeton, NJ 08542-0803

George Makrauer,
Admin. Asst. to Dr. Charlesworth
2145 Tallsman Ct
The Villages, FL 32163

Foundation on Judaism and Christian Origins
℅ Dr. Lamar Barden, Treasurer
500 East Second Street
Rome, GA 30161-3112

How the Foundation Delivers its Contributions to Scholarship, Education and Theology

The research and publications sponsored by the FJCO utilize all methodologies (anthropology, sociology, psychology, philology, numismatics, high-definition imaging and theology) and all dimensions of archaeology.

The Foundation is an internationally recognized source of clarity and explanation of the world of Second Temple Judaism and the Palestinian Jesus Movement. The Foundation shares with all interested parties a better grasp of Early Judaism and the Jewish context of Jesus from Nazareth.

Together through the Foundation's work and programs, Jews and Christians join to better comprehend the thoughts of Early Judaism and Jesus' life and message. In addition to discovery and education for the historical record, we contend that open-minded research and knowledge are important for a world being destroyed physically and morally and for humans losing humane values.

All contributions are tax deductible in accordance with your tax advisor's instructions, as the Foundation is IRS approved as a 501(c)3 exempt organization.

Terms of use | Privacy policy - Short URL: FJCO.ORG


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